

  • Equal Exchange Fairly Traded
  • USDA Organic
  • Fully City Roast
  • Smooth & Balanced
  • Kosher Pareve
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
  • Roasted Daily

Grown by Small Farmers → Collected at Farmer CO-OPS → Roasted at Equal Exchange → Brewed & Enjoyed by You!

The Equal Exchange Coffee Journey

These coffee beans have traveled great distances to reach your cup. At Equal Exchange, we wake up thinking about how to bridge the gap between coffee growers and coffee drinkers. We rely on our producer partners to bring us the finest coffee available. We rely on ourselves to enhance the cup characteristics with each roast. And we rely on you to purchase, protect and release the fine attributes of each coffee you brew.

"We work closely with out farmer partners, year after year, to better understand each other's needs. The result is a trusting relationship - and delicious coffee" -Beth Ann Caspersen, Equal Exchange Quality Control Manager

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/equ/equ40305/u/0.jpg">


  • Equal Exchange Fairly Traded
  • USDA Organic
  • Fully City Roast
  • Smooth & Balanced
  • Kosher Pareve
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
  • Roasted Daily

Grown by Small Farmers → Collected at Farmer CO-OPS → Roasted at Equal Exchange → Brewed & Enjoyed by You!

The Equal Exchange Coffee Journey

These coffee beans have traveled great distances to reach your cup. At Equal Exchange, we wake up thinking about how to bridge the gap between coffee growers and coffee drinkers. We rely on our producer partners to bring us the finest coffee available. We rely on ourselves to enhance the cup characteristics with each roast. And we rely on you to purchase, protect and release the fine attributes of each coffee you brew.

"We work closely with out farmer partners, year after year, to better understand each other's needs. The result is a trusting relationship - and delicious coffee" -Beth Ann Caspersen, Equal Exchange Quality Control Manager


This is How We Brew It

1-2 TBSP of coffee for 6 oz. of water

Too strong? Too light? Adjust so it comes out just the way you like it.

網路價:299元,結帳享5%折扣後 285


  • 平等交換公平貿易
  • 在這款咖啡背後有很多故事
  • 美國USDA有機認證
  • 中度混合和法式烘焙
  • 順滑且平衡
  • 符合猶太戒律
  • 俄勒岡州耕種協會有機認證




不止一種!我們推薦 1-2 匙咖啡兌 6 盎司水。



網路價:255元,結帳享5%折扣後 243


  • 平等交換,公平貿易
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 中度烘焙和法國烘焙的混合
  • 順滑平衡
  • 猶太潔食中性食品
  • 俄勒岡州 Tilth 有機認可
  • 每日烘焙

小農戶種植→農戶合作社收集→在 Equal Exchange 烘烤→釀造並由您享用!

Equal Exchange 咖啡之旅

這些咖啡豆不遠萬里來到您的杯子裡。在 Equal Exchange,我們醒來時就在思考如何彌合咖啡種植者和咖啡飲用者之間的差距。我們依靠生產夥伴給我們帶來極好的咖啡。我們依靠自己的每一次烘焙來提高每杯咖啡的特性。我們依靠您購買、保護和釋放您釀造的每一款咖啡的優良品質。

“我們年復一年地與農戶夥伴密切合作,以更好地瞭解彼此的需求。收穫的是一種信任的關係 - 和美味的咖啡”-Beth Ann Caspersen,Equal Exchange 品質控制經理

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/equ/equ40100/u/0.jpg">


  • 平等交換,公平貿易
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 中度烘焙和法國烘焙的混合
  • 順滑平衡
  • 猶太潔食中性食品
  • 俄勒岡州 Tilth 有機認可
  • 每日烘焙

小農戶種植→農戶合作社收集→在 Equal Exchange 烘烤→釀造並由您享用!

Equal Exchange 咖啡之旅

這些咖啡豆不遠萬里來到您的杯子裡。在 Equal Exchange,我們醒來時就在思考如何彌合咖啡種植者和咖啡飲用者之間的差距。我們依靠生產夥伴給我們帶來極好的咖啡。我們依靠自己的每一次烘焙來提高每杯咖啡的特性。我們依靠您購買、保護和釋放您釀造的每一款咖啡的優良品質。

“我們年復一年地與農戶夥伴密切合作,以更好地瞭解彼此的需求。收穫的是一種信任的關係 - 和美味的咖啡”-Beth Ann Caspersen,Equal Exchange 品質控制經理



1-2 湯匙咖啡,6 盎司水


網路價:255元,結帳享5%折扣後 243